Day 10

Day 10: our last day!  I think each of us feels as though it’s bittersweet.  We’ve worked hard (very hard) for two long weeks in the studio and so we’re ready for a break and some sweet rest!  But of course, the bitter part is parting and going our separate ways – after we’ve built this bond and experienced such intense and thoughtful art-making together.  This morning, Nancy shared with us some video footage of a little boy in Rwanda who wanted to pray for her and the group she was with.  The boy’s passion and boldness in prayer spoke volumes to us all, and we were inspired for the rest of the day with his words.

We also spent a lot of time figuring our logistics of the body of artwork that will be traveling and showing in the northwest, Texas and beyond.  We got a few hours squeezed in to do some final work, and then had a mini-show around 4 pm.

Soon after, we packed our artwork and cleaned up the space.  I sometimes forget how much artists spread out and seem to instantly turn a clean room into a mess!  So the cleaning up took some time (for me at least) but we celebrated our progress with a nice dinner out.  Then we said our goodbyes and see ya laters.

We will be working on our artist statements and promo materials (for the exhibit) in the next few weeks and months.  Our first exhibition is scheduled to be at Regent in early November!

I’ll write some more later on my artist statement and concluding thoughts, but for now – let me just say it was an overwhelming blessing to be a part of this residency!  Thanks Brian and Lance (By/For Project coordinators) and to all the artists for such an enriching, blossoming time for me both as an artist and a believer.  Many, MANY thanks!
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