on my nightstand

I've got a bad habit of picking up a handful of (new-to-me) books during my weekly library visit.  Whether it has a beautiful cover, or an intriguing title, some books just seem too irresistible to leave sitting on the shelf.  The clencher for me is they're free and I can renew them up to 9 times {who could resist that?} so surely I'll 'get around' to reading them.  Right? Psssh.  Yea right.  Not when I have a 11 month old and 28 other books piled by my bed.

But book-hoarding aside, I stumbled onto this title a few weeks ago and have been challenged and encouraged as I've read through it.  As an artist, mother, woman, friend, wife... I am not unique in my struggles, my triumphs, my day-to-day.  I'll attempt to write more once I've actually finished it, but for now I'll say it's been a refreshing and surprising read.

Twenty Eight Artists and Two Saints